Research Products & Services
Novak Consulting works with both non- and for-profit sponsors, developers, and investors and with financing institutions throughout the country to assess market demand and feasibility for shelter, services, and long-term-care products for older adults. Novak Consulting’s national research and understanding of market trends will be imbued within every area of analysis, providing useful benchmarks for comparison and context for any estimate of market depth and subsequent recommendation.
Market Feasibility
The purpose of a market feasibility study is to get an in-depth read on a market and its ability to support new product or re-shape existing product. It can also be used to guide broad master-planning processes.
The scope and depth of the research depends on specific client/project needs but can range from an analysis of need for one specific product (e.g. “Assisted Living”) to a much broader scope that may include multiple-levels of care.
Analyses are customized to each client/project as are the outcomes and recommendations of each study in order to meet client needs and propose as specific development recommendations as the data will allow. These can include, but not be limited to residence mix, type, size, and pricing, as well as recommendations for amenities and services.
Turnaround time for a Market Feasibility Study is typically eight to ten weeks.
The purpose of a Market Snapshot is to get a quick read of a market to understand its potential without going into detail regarding competitive pricing and without the need for detailed recommendations for planning and development.
A Market Snapshot can be a great first step to provide a broad “go vs. no-go” platform on which to stand and decide if development is warranted or if further research is desired.
Data presented typically includes target-market demographic trends, heat mapping, a competitive scan of the area, and estimates of demand based by level of service.
Turnaround time for a Market Snapshot is typically short (within four weeks).
Competitive Pricing Analysis
A competitive pricing analysis assists a community in understanding its offerings and its performance within the context of its current competitive environment.
Comprehensive profiles of primary competitors are developed with information typically including the number and mix of residences, residence size, services and amenities, but with pricing as the primary focus of the analysis, including an understanding of the relationship between price and residence size.
The resulting analysis will assist the client in understanding how its offerings qualitatively and statistically compare to its primary competitors and from the viewpoint of the consumer. It will also identify if any adjustments to pricing are warranted or necessary.
Turnaround for a Competitive Pricing Analysis varies depending upon the number of primary competitors and the complexity (primarily regarding contract offerings) of the local market; however reports are typically delivered within four to six weeks.
Focus Groups
Focus groups allow probing into topics that are difficult to access via other research methodologies, broaching topics such as market expectations, overall reactions to new concepts, pricing reactions, contractual concepts, marketing messages, and level and quality of service expectations.
Focus group research provides a forum for target consumers (or leads, or residents, etc.) to help shape the project and ensure that the proposed development is something that the market truly desires.
Novak Consulting’s approach is very interactive, presenting concepts in such a way that consumers view them as malleable and changeable, allowing consumers to engage in order to “assist us” in planning the project based on their own habits, practices and preferences.
Focus groups can be conducted either in-person or online.
Turnaround time for Focus Group research is typically eight to twelve weeks (though it can be shorter depending upon scope).
Market Surveys
Market surveys are typically utilized either for the purposes of product shaping/testing or lead generation, or a combination of the two. They can also be administered to a wide variety of audiences including, but not limited to age- and income-qualified prospects, leads, wait list members, depositors, lost leads, and residents.
Depending upon budget and target-audience, surveys can be mailed, emailed, or linked to a website. Regardless of methodology and audience, Novak Consulting customizes each survey to the specific needs of the client/project and reports results compared against national survey benchmarks.
Turnaround time for a Market Survey is typically between eight and twelve weeks; however, the type and size of the mailing greatly impacts the time to completion, which could end up being significantly shorter.
Other Services
Novak Consulting offers additional products and services either in conjunction with other provided services or a la carte. Some of these offerings include:
- Demographic Analysis
- Thematic (“Heat”) Mapping
- Mystery Shopping (in person or remote)
- One-on-one Interviews
- “Walking” Focus Groups (in-person consumer critique of existing community)
- Custom Subject-Matter Surveys (Dining, Wellness Programs, etc.)
- Master-Planning Assistance and Consultation
- Board Education
- Site Evaluation
- Evaluation of Consumer Demand for Home- and Community-Based Services
- General and Specific Consultation Services